


06-17-2014, 11:22 PM

They collided much quicker then Vi had planned but in the end she had planned the collision and muscles were loose to absorb the impact. Erani?s boney shoulder collided heavily into Vi?s chest, forcing some of the air from her lungs that hissed through her teeth. Already she could feel the bruising along the bone but it would have to wait until later, that was what drugs were for. For now the adrenaline would have to do, pumping heavily through her veins by a racing heart. This was exhilarating even it if was a fight against an opponent Vi couldn?t even consider an equal. She had always loved fighting, had always loved the adrenaline rush. The only thing that had kept her away from fighting was the idea of scars?
Teeth would flash to Vi?s right and immediately lantern gaze would widen, ears pinning as she threw her weight to her left, head snapping away violently and momentarily throwing herself off balance. Left legs would slide out to pick up the balance as quickly as possible, skull swinging around so teeth would attempt to meet teeth and fend off the attack. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard the sounds of battle begin behind her, but she couldn't look, couldn't break her focus. Her defence only worked half as well as she had hoped, Erani?s teeth coming down and drawing lines of blood on her face along her cheek and lip. That was when it happened, her vision went red, chest inflating heavily as eyes widened. The bitch would die. Jaws would snap with new vigor as she felt flesh part beneath her teeth, tasted the first drops of blood that were not her own.
Her attempts to drag herself upwards, and Erani with her, were thwarted as Erani forced her weight down. Vi?s paw scrabbled at Erani?s chest, blunt claws finding no purchase on the bones she had attempted to find to force her body upwards. Apparently Erani was more overweight then fluffy. Vi almost smiled at that thought as she pushed herself backwards slightly. Just in time for Erani to charge forward, shoulder slamming into Vi?s lower throat quite violently. Jaws would gape, for a moment her breath eluding her as she was forced back a few steps. But never would her paws shift from their splayed and widened stance to allow herself to be thrown off balance. There was only a millisecond before claws would dig into the ground once more and she would toss herself back into the fray.
Neck scrunched, shoulders rolling forward even as head would tip to her right, jaws snapping to attempt to gain a hold of the old woman?s slender leg. She would attempt to grab the leg above the ankle so it would be harder for the woman to escape but still were the bone was more frail and easier to crush. Abdomen would suck, back arching as she gathered her core strength, prepared to toss herself out of the way if needed. Weight would shift suddenly in an attempt to toss her right shoulder once more into Earni?s left, trying to throw her off balance should her grab at the woman?s lower leg land. Eyes narrowed, nose wrinkling to further bunch loose skin around her orbs, ears tipping back to minimize things on her face to grab onto.
Paws splayed, claws digging in to try and root her in place. Tail lashed out angrily behind her as she attempted to keep her balance, right paws ready to slide out to catch herself should Erani move out of the way. Skull was already lowered, close to the ground, chin tucked as inward as possible at her position to keep her throat and jugular protected. She had to protect her face, what was left of her beautiful face. If this bitch dared draw one more drop of blood Vi swore up and down she would kill everyone this woman loved. She would hunt them all until the day she died. It would be the end for them.


ATTACKS: Being thrown backwards at Erani's attack before moving back in and trying for the same side to grab a hold of Erani's right leg above the ankle around the 'shin' area. At the same time attempting to try and shove her shoulder into Erani's and knock her to the side.

DEFENSES: But never would her paws shift from their splayed and widened stance to allow herself to be thrown off balance. There was only a millisecond before claws would dig into the ground once more and she would toss herself back into the fray. Neck scrunched, shoulders rolling forward even as head would tip to her right, jaws snapping to attempt to gain a hold of the old woman?s slender leg. Abdomen would suck, back arching as she gathered her core strength, prepared to toss herself out of the way if needed. Eyes narrowed, nose wrinkling to further bunch loose skin around her orbs, ears tipping back to minimize things on her face to grab onto. Paws splayed, claws digging in to try and root her in place. Tail lashed out angrily behind her as she attempted to keep her balance, right paws ready to slide out to catch herself should Erani move out of the way. Skull was already lowered, close to the ground, chin tucked as inward as possible at her position to keep her throat and jugular protected.

INJURIES: Minor cuts on her face, won's scar. Sever bruising on her chest, both sides.

OOC NOTES: Message me if you need anything!