
anybody home?



2 Years
06-18-2014, 12:40 PM

An angry bark from a feminine voice that was vaguely familiar preceded a very familiar scent, and a goofy grin spread across the lass' features. She whirled about, tail raised and wagging happily as she looked at her sister. However, the irate expression on the smaller sibling's face made her grin falter and her tail drop in confusion. "Well, I was looking for you and everyone else. Why? Should I be looking somewhere else?" Lower melodies would inquire, her previous higher pitched vocals of puphood deepened to a lower tone of feminine lyrics. Slowly she would look about, one brow quirked inquisitively as she peered over her sister's head and then to the rest of the mangrove. Was something up? Nothing looked off, but what did she know? She'd been gone nearly a year now, right?

Slowly, she would hold her sister's emerald gaze and keep one brow cocked. So, this was the same Canta who had been indifferent to everything, and at one point, if her memory served, taller than her? What had happened? "So anyway, how's it going with you? Are mom and da okay? How about Dhiren? Novel? Fal'Dara?" She asked, smelling only a few of those scent upon her sister, barely there under the strong musk of rage. Had she done something wrong? Was her family angry with her for leaving? But she hadn't left! She'd gotten... lost. Very, very lost.

Mismatched audits would fall back on her head for a moment, disappointed that this was the face she was getting to see first after all this time. Her sister, expression twisted with anger and not love, all because, all those months ago, she'd fucked up. She'd fucked up real bad. Then, that disappointed and hurt expression changed. Her stance straightened, and she looked down at her sister with an almost imperceptible shift in her gaze. This was not her fault, it had been an accident, and her sister didn't need to get her damned twigs in a bunch. She would wait with a self assured, patient, somewhat calm stance and wait for her sister to say something.
