
Exit Does Not Exist


05-02-2013, 02:28 PM
Quote:She had watched her new friend until he left, disappearing from her sight, that smile he had forced onto his scarred features burned into her mind. Would he return? She could only hope. The young girl turned and drifted into the little den, shaking the wetness from her fur as she came in from the rain. She went to the far back corner and curled up to wait.


The scent of meat woke her from her nap before the males voice did. She was up in an instead, bounding across the small shelter and landing with her corpses firmly on the river otters side, blood pooling around her paws. But it wasn't the river otter she was looking lovingly at. Huge eyes stared up at him, tail waving lovingly behind her. He had come back for her! "Prospero! Phil?mayaye!" she exclaimed but ears flattened to her skull almost as soon as she said it. Wrong, that word was wrong. Mind cranked out words she had heard her mother speak, trying to fit the English one with the one she had been taught. Mouth moved as she tested each one on her tongue before deciding. "Prospero, thank you?" It came out more of a question, unsure if she had chosen right words to make him understand how much se really appreciated this.
