
anybody home?



2 Years
06-18-2014, 01:43 PM

Her sister scoffed, a sarcastic response all the ebony babe had deemed necessary as a retort. Lakota felt suddenly upset, and not in the way that she wanted to cry, the way that she wanted to bowl her sister over. Already. What had gotten into her? Wasn't Canta happy to see her? She'd come back from even she didn't know where, for the gods' sakes! Didn't she deserve a little smile, a little nuzzle or something? Or maybe even just a little oh my god you're back!? Honestly, she was already wanting to leave. Not a good thing. She had worked so hard to get back, and here was Canta, being little miss holier than thou.

Suddenly, in response to her hopeful inquiries, Canta started barking and snapping. Annoyance, anger, they were evident in her sister's moss green pools as she glared. Fal'Dara was gone? Why? Then the ebony lass dropped another bomb. Mom had gotten sick?! Self loathing flooded the giantess, that she had been away and not there to take care of mom. It was her job, after mom had given birth to her and provided for her, to take care of her when she fell ill. Where was she? The middle of shitting nowhere wondering how to get back! Wasn't that enough though, that she'd tried to come back home? She almost tuned completely out of her sister's tirade, but snapped back into listening when she heard that mom had taken over the pack. Wow, that was fantastic. She should have been there to help... At least her other, better, present siblings had been there to help. Then, her sister let it slip. She shouted it out into the air, that she, her sister, and her father had abandoned them.

No. A low, rumbling growl escaped her lips, much to her internal astonishment. Had she just growled at her sister? Apparently. However, that was the back of her mind, the rest of her was filled with righteous fury. Oh hell no. "You actually think I just fucking left?" She snapped, in no way afraid to start laying it down real thick for her sister. "I got fucking lost, Canta! I somehow wound up in the middle of gods be damned nowhere!" She barked, lowering her nose so it was barely a hairs breadth from her sister's indignant face. "And here's the kicker; the first thing I thought was- get this- how do I get home?" She murmured, her voice dripping venom as she stared her sister down. "I've spent the last, gods, year or so? Trying to get back here, because I didn't have it in me to keep wandering." She breathed, her sides heaving with the effort it took to keep from smacking a little sense into her elder sister. "So don't you ever, ever say that I abandoned you for my own fucking selfish reasons. Got that? I wandered aimlessly in rain, hail, and snow, deserts and jungles to fucking find my way back, and half of the time I only got more lost than I already was." She growled, daring her sister to try something.

Oh yes, Lakota was mad. The alabaster giantess was very pissed off, and couldn't believe her sister didn't have faith in her. Did the rest of the family believe that? Had her entire family spent just about a year living under the belief that one day the pallid princess had just gotten up one day and decided screw you lot, I'm going to go off to who knows where and leave you all alone? That was cold, that was the worst thing anyone could do, and contrary to popular belief, that's not the story at all. Slowly, she lifted her tiara, taking a deep breath. It shuddered into her lungs, and she paused for a moment before releasing it. "So, da left, huh?" She asked quietly, her gaze closed off and distant now. It was fixed on something far away, between the trunks of the mangrove trees and past the pack lands. Somewhere out there, she'd lost her innocence and became the wolf she was today. She'd gotten lost, and had to use her blessed wits to survive and get back home.

And what had she come home to? This. Her sister was gone, her father had apparently gone as well, and mother had fallen ill. Could things have gone worse? Doubtful. Could she have helped if her own idiocy and childish curiosity hadn't gotten her hopelessly lost all those months and weeks ago? Probably. Self loathing was tamped down, for the sake of keeping her blood pressure from rising again. The tip of her ivory plume twitched absently, and she slowly dragged her gaze down to her sister's face.
