



3 Years
06-18-2014, 02:23 PM

It Had been a few weeks since the ivory female had returned to the land she had called home, even if she was a slave, but word had gotten to her to that the so called queen had stepped down and another was in her place this news was clarified when the ivory female had ventured back after her little hunting trip, the new scent at the border was enough to know however deciding that the pack was somewhat disbanded she turned at the border after deciding she that she wasn't feeling like listening to another and trying to prove her worth and so she dispersed from the border.Prowling though the lush unclaimed domain it it did not take the female long to pick up a scent and once she was all to familiar with. lifting her snout to the heavens she inhaled the aroma of neios the one whom she called master but the question was did she still belong to him? or with cat running off was she free once more? a light hearted chuckle escaped her jaws as she took in to a nice steady stride normally she would have just ignored her questioning mind and turned in the other direction however, she had a strange affection for the male it was just something about him that tweaked her interest and so she decided to seek him out after all she had a good excuse to.

Nimble and swift pads carried the female on the path that the male had wondered down and the closer she got, her limbs seemed to push her frame forewords until she felt like she was practically flying though the domain, the current snow on the ground posing no hazard for the winter wolf. As she neared closer again her fiery amber orbs flicked around her surroundings for any sign of both neios or a threat, like wise, her rounded auds swivelled for sound but it was her sensitive nostrils that picked up the stronger scent as well as others, slowing her gate to a long stride walk she soon realised that neios wasn't on his own. Wondering whom was with the male she stopped to collect her thoughts which was difficult when her auds flicked to the rustling of the shrubs caused by a rabbit, irritated the ivory female was quick to end the creatures life. After a moment or two she decided to proceed with her set task and she was once again off in a bit of a trot with the rabbit tightly grasped within her jaws.

Moments passed before the slender form of the female emerged were the little gathering was, glancing around at the other canines her orbs narrowed slightly as she tried to remember she had meet the canines before but at-last she failed to recall a time she had meet any of them but at least she had found the canine she was seeking. amber orbs rested upon the dark male known as neios for a moment before she lowered her cranium to place the pray she held upon the iced ground before she nodded slightly in a greeting " Greetings, Sir " she purred in a soft chime as she lifted her head once more as she waited for a response.

table by jay