
with arms wide open


05-02-2013, 02:34 PM

Tail wagging easily, Ocena resisted the urge to giggle at the words of Gargoyle. Her answer was serious, even if she was amused by his words, however. "We're parents..." She shook her head slightly, careful not to jostle the tiny creatures nestled against her stomach, "I never thought it would happen." She never would have thought herself capable of bringing children into the world without fearing that they would be born with her disabilities. But she knew now that this didn't make her any less of a wolf. Any partial blindness wouldn't make her children any less of wolves, and she would destroy any wolf who might insinuate that.

Giggling a little now, Ocena smiled as she watched Gargoyle spin into an immediate panic at the mention of his companion. "Be careful!" Ocena called after Gargoyle as he began his hasty retreat, forcing back a laugh by focusing her attention on her young, licking at the female one. Her hastily stifled laughter erupted, however, as Gargoyle bounded off after his companion, and though Ocena was careful not to disturb her pups, they still mewled and pawed at her stomach at the jostling.

Sobering swiftly at that reminder of the life that clung to her, Ocena kept her head held high as she waited for Gargoyle to return, carrying Frisk in his jaws. It seemed the mink was all right. Of course, Ocena had never doubted that. He was a survivor. Nothing ever seemed to keep the mink from bouncing back. Of course, worry flickered in her mismatched eyes as the mink stumbled to collapse onto her paws, and she leaned down to nose at the creature gingerly. "I'm sure he won't leave you again," Ocena soothed, glancing at Gargoyle in amusement, "And as for seeing my pups, well, if you can manage to get up, you can see them, Frisk." Glancing towards the trio with a loving smile, Ocena shook her head slightly as she looked at Gargoyle.

Their family was complete, in that moment. Gargoyle, her children, Frisk. Sure, Glaciem was her family, but the ones in the den with her right then were the ones that mattered most to her. It might have been selfish of Ocena, but it was all true. She adored Crusade, loved her pack, but Gargoyle had saved her, and she had saved them. That was not an easily broken bond, and it wasn't one that the rest of Glaciem truly held a candle to.
