
'Til all my sleeves are stained red


06-18-2014, 03:09 PM

Now that she was better from the sickness, Ballad's paw had been killing her, so she only knew one way to stop her paw forever; chew it off, and bury it in the snow somewhere, even if it would hurt her. So, lowering herself to the ground and stretching one white paw out, her injured one, Ballad let out a soft whimper before leaning forwards and showing her white teeth. A low growl escaped her jaws before she moved closer to her paw, her jaws opening wider and wrapping it around her paw. The girl's teeth slammed shut, blood staining the white fur, and Ballad pulled away to inspect the damage she had done to her paw. Instantly, she pulled back, but soon wondered if her fangs where really that strong. She sniffed her paw, the scent of blood filling her nostrils, and she looked at her paw again.

Blood was staining her normally white fur red, and there were four puncture marks, deep and bloody. Letting out a soft growl again, Ballad sunk her fangs into her paw again, pain flooding her in waves as she tilted her head to the side, hoping for anything except for pain. Blood filled her jaws, and Ballad hoped for anything, pulling back again. The bone was snapped in two, and the muscles were showing slightly. Blood dripped heavily from her paw into the snow, and Ballad knew that one or two bites would send her paw off, and she would be almost normal. She would be able to walk easier, at least, after a while. Pain almost made her sick, and the white woman gasped, but hazel eyes would shine as she let out a soft sigh and lunged at her paw again, her jaws wrapping around it easily, despite the blood filling her jaws once more when she bit down a final time.

Tilting her head again, Ballad felt a final sure of pain go through her body, ck in and opened her jaws. The paw lay there when she moved her leg with difficulty, but she felt free that it was gone. Blood dropped on the ground from her leg, now nothing but a long stump, and she struggled to get to her paws, jaws wrapping around her paw once more. She stumbled as she got up, and about fell back in the snow, but she used one paw to scratch a small hole in the snow. She dropped it, and walked away, her jaws parting in a howl as she moved closer to the inside of the Ebony border. She would have to explain the missing paw, but hopefully they would understand.
