
New world



2 Years
06-18-2014, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2014, 08:31 PM by Crucifix.)

Covari was flourishing, and it was a fact Crucifix accepted with a measure of pride. This was Vi?s pack, sure, but it was his pack now too. With the new members that had found their way here, and the first litter of Covari children that was due to be born any day now. He found that despite how busy his days where that he was missing Vi. He wasn?t sure for how long she would be gone, and there were times he woke up to her scent and thought she had returned to him. Yet every morning, she was still gone from the pack she had created.

The boy was making an effort to know the wolves within the ranks, he wanted to know more than the names he had been told, and the ranks they held. Some wolves he had seen only in passing and others he was yet to meet at all. Keeping active with his responsibilities it seemed was not enough to know these wolves, a hunt had been called recently by Svan, but perhaps it was time for another ? or perhaps even a training session to see where others where with their abilities. He began to pace as he thought of all the ways he could bring these wolves together, to know and understand the people that made up this pack.

His pacing would bring him into the Swamplands, a territory he did not venture into very often. He preferred the Range, with the open lands he knew far better and the ease it was to run along them. The Swamp was murky, with hidden layers of murky water and long reeds. The Alpha boy began to pick his way through the more unfamiliar territory.
