
Me And My Broken Heart


06-18-2014, 05:23 PM
{After another thread that we have planned out, with Silveris and Destruction}

Her pack was gone, destroyed by a red queen that had won the fight for dominance against the former leader, Destruction. Not even the other female had seen her mother or her four siblings, as f they had just vanished into thin air after she left. Closing her mismatched eyes, Silveris jumped in the water, and was about to allow herself to be carried away until she thought of Emery, if he was okay. Hesitantly, Silveris pulled herself out of the water, her body dripping as she moved to the island, her head down low. She glanced around, searching for him, and even poking her head in the spiderweb filled cave, before she came to another sad conclusion. Emery had left, to find his family, and she was all alone on the island once again, like she had been before he had came. If she had to be alone, though, she might as well find something to do, like look in the cave that she hadn't been able to explore because of the setting sun, when she first met Emery.

White paws carried Silveris to the cave, which she stuck her head in, and began to walk inside without much happiness. It was daylight, and Silveris could see perfectly well, and noticed that the tunnel began to widen after a few moments of crawling. Now she could walk along, and her ears just barely brushed the top with her head lowered; Emery may not be able to walk in this. Finally, Silveris was at the end of the tunnel, and she saw a large den, or two, one smaller, at the end, a small trickle of a river flowing from somewhere deep inside. It stopped in a big pond, almost half the size of the den, and a smaller pond in the smaller den. Unsure where the river started, and not really wanting to find out, Silveris instead wondered how the cave had been made like this, if it was two wolves or something else. Either way, she needed to be careful if she didn't want to be noticed and attacked, but she moved forwards, past the smaller den and into another tunnel.

Suddenly, she noticed something white, and walked over to look at it. It was a skull. The skull of a wolf. A howling scream echoed through the tunnel as Silveris ran out of the tunnel, panting with every breath until she was out. Shaking from the experience, she raised her head and let out a shivering howl.

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