
Consuming Power


05-02-2013, 03:53 PM

Inside of the oak tree, that had long been hollow it was spacious for the small dame. Her head, poked out of the whole, watching the storm. Occasionally a rain drop would drip onto her nose, and she?d shake it away. She had already drifted off to sleep, only to be wrenched from the heaven that was her dreams back into this hellish storm. So she forced herself away, after her maw had emitted lyrics that were so painful and grieve-stricken.

She rested her head on her paws again, her golden oculars scanning the clearing around her and her mind wandered. She thought about Reven, the wolf that she had mated with and the pups they had created. Her eyes would glaze in sadness as she thought about burying those pups, and how she had lain next to them for days after mourning her loss.

It seemed she?d never have what she yearned for, a family. Every time it had been in her grasps, some unknowable force ripped it from her paws. She was meant to be alone. In a way, that was okay with her, but part of her, a part she couldn?t compartmentalize yearned for that companionship that closeness with another. It yearned for that normalcy.

The entrance of another wolf into the clearing broke her out of her mental revelry, and she tilted her head curiously as the figure danced further into the clearing. Had her earlier notes disrupted this stranger? Eris lifted her head, to watch this over wolf curiously, her golden eyes flickering with the wariness that she felt.

When the other she-wolf addressed her, Eris nearly slammed back into the tree. She jerked her head back into the tree, and sat there for a few moments. Taking a deep breath she forced herself to stick it back out, and pulled the front half of her torso out to embrace the rain. Torn between running for her life and returning the addressing of the other wolf she stood there simply at loss for words for several moments.

The rain still came down in torrents, and the lightning and thunder rumbled and crackled above. After a particularly violent eruption, she finally readied herself to speak. ?In a storm such as this, it hardly seems prudent to simply enjoy the rain, as one may find themselves electrified.? Her reply was polite cool as she warily watched this other female for signs of aggression. Her body was submissive, and relaxed, she hoped this stranger wouldn?t decide to eat her, after all she wasn?t very tasty.
