
You'll Call It Fate, I'll Call It Karma



2 Years
06-18-2014, 06:26 PM

He would nod his head in acknowledgment as she spoke of her preference as a healer. He was certain Orchid could use the hand, considering how she faced the entire pack alone. It was also perfectly fine for her to join in hunts, it seemed that Ellis would fit right into Covari pack life and would be a good help. She would speak again and his eyes would darken. His sister had been raped, was that what she was telling him had happened to her? She would not clarify this but explain that she did not want the same fate for her children.

She would request to be set up with orchid and the Alpha would nod again in acceptance of this. ?Orchid it is? he said brightly, leaving no comment about something being off ? he was no healer, he would not know anything that this healer herself did not. She would point the way to her den and obediently he would set off after her towards Fern Gully. It sounded like she only had two children, which would make it easier to bring them onto Covari lands between them. He gave a self-satisfied smile as Covari swelled some more. He would need to find extra territory to house all these wolves, and when Vi returned to her pack she would find it larger in both territory and members.

He would stop outside her den and wait for the mother?s approval before going inside, here he would see that Othello was babysitting her young and began to make sense of the words Ellis had spoken about befriending Othello. He was mildly surprised to see that she was not currently sharing a den with Scorpion. He gave an odd smile her way, still not certain where he standing with this girl, a fact that became only stranger with his rise to Alpha. ?Othello.. where just bringing the pups to Covari? he would explain, as he waited for approval from Ellis before gently picking up a pup in his jaws. Looking at the two woman he would wait for them to collect themselves before they could move to Covari territory and Orchids den.
