
New world



2 Years
06-18-2014, 07:07 PM

The sound of footfall would alert him to the approach of another. Eye would swivel in the direction as the pup came up behind him. Her aim it seems wasn?t to startle her, but to run her coat against Crucifix?s legs. The bristled fluff of a pup in winter would tickle at his legs and he would look down at the girl as a half-smile coaxed its way across his lips. The pup did not stop there but began to circle about him. There was something familiar about this pup, in both its scent and dark appearance. Eyebrows would rise as he found his answer in its words. It was a young thing, maybe half a year old and still well within its pup?s years. But the words she spoke? she was calling vi her mother. His smile would widen with this knowledge. Had he known Vi had children? He could not remember her telling her this. There was one thing he was certain of, they were not VI?s mates children, these where not Des?s? for the obvious reason.

This girl was challenging him, asking him his worth and he would laugh softly as he looked down at the little ball of pup. She certainly had her mother?s pride and strength, and already he could feel himself liking this pup ? perhaps more for its blood line then for its unknown personality.

Another pup would appear out of nowhere, they were just popping up out of the earth these red toned children. Puzzled eyes would flicker to this one as she spoke. Eyes would flicker over the bat that rested on her shoulders before back to the pups dark eyes. This one seemed strange, he got an odd feeling about her like she wasn?t quite right in the head. Her words only strengthen that as she spoke of fighting. ?Ooooh no, you guys are just pups. I don?t even know where you are on your training? he told them. Quite prepared to grab the little mites by their tails and dangle them in the air if they decided to misbehave.

Yes another would pop out of the earth and poor Cru was beginning to feel surrounded by furry little creatures. This one would take its place beside the first and glare at the challenger. This was starting to get a little to hairy for Cru, who stepped forward to block the hostile glances that passed between them.
