
New world



2 Years
06-18-2014, 07:48 PM
Vivek didn't know why his mother had left - but the last time she had she had gone and gotten herself and her family a pack. This time was just as justified and worth the time away, he was sure. He had been a phantom for some time himself, exploring the new lands and slowly growing into himself. The distance between he and his family was not intentional, but it was there. A part of him wanted to fix it, but there was also a part of him that believed that it was silly - they were his family, they would always be his family. He could cross the earth and return, old and worn but he would still be theirs and they his.
For now though, he had not crossed the earth, but he had explored all of the land that his mother had claimed for Covari. Only to return to some stranger to be in his mother's seat of power - temporary, he was sure. Curious as to what his sisters were doing with him, he would slip closer to where their scents and voices could just be made out from where he was. Red eyes gazed at the man with a cross on his shoulder. It was a unique marking, he could appreciate him for at least that much. But he blended in with the swamp he was surrounded by, and his boring pallet almost made him ordinary despite his marking.
Besides judging a book by it's cover,the six month old was curious as to whether he would take Hestia up on her challenge. At their age, they were old enough to start training to fight, how good was she at this point? Was she quick enough to hold her own against this male? Unfortunately, as expected, the brute declined - calling them children, underestimating their power. Vivek was already a good sized wolf - larger than most small wolves. "Shame, I would have liked to see a fight." He would pipe up, standing behind his siblings. "Mother may have picked you, but I guess that doesn't make you interesting."