
A Merry Band of Feral Children


06-18-2014, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2014, 09:11 PM by Madieke.)

Name: Chiba Shani (chiba= Hebrew meaning love)
Chiba is the little hen who looks after everyone. She does what she can to comfort others and makes sure no one is seriously ill. She's not much of a talker, speaking mainly to Linus only. Linus holds all her adoration. He is her big brother, the protector, leader and she might even have stranger feeling for him. But she is far too shy to show all of this. Chiba is a master of faces. She can easily change her moods to fit a situation. Thus this makes her the best "Cry Baby". She might be able to act a certain way but one can never get inside her head to see what really is going on.
Chiba is known to latch onto others, often for just a few weeks before breaking off and latching to another. In a way she just wants to be close to someone but she is also studying others. Her mind is smart and she picks up reactions to situation from others so she might one day react the same way. Chiba is not one to fight or cause any problem. She does what she is told and carries out missions as efficiently as possible.
Alignment: Neutral good
Nickname: Linus pick!
A golden cream sets the base color of this female. A light creamy white dappling her golden hued cream in a nice even blend, barely noticeable till upon closer inspection. The same creamy white makes a broken stripe along the bridge of her nose while also covering her paws like little socks and the tips of her ears. A pale tan paints the tip of her tail and the inside toe of her left hindleg. Her eyes are a soft pale moss green.
Size: Small, 25 inches
Health: has a "deformed ear" which is just flopping permanent due from an infection. Anemic
Do you want your pup to be considered for the position of Enforcer/Second in Command?: possibly, depends on her growth her personality over time.
RP Sample: (300 word count minimum)