
New world


06-18-2014, 08:44 PM
ooc;; I vote no posting order? This thread just got big again XD

The gangly youth was never far from his siblings anymore, especially not Fiamette since her kidnapping. Though today he had left for a short time to go on a little hunt and when he had returned everyone was gone. He stood outside the den for a moment, bi coloured eyes blinking as he looked around, two field mice dangling from his jaws that he had brought back as a snack for himself and Fiamette. But where was she? Voices chattered in the distance and immediately he recognized at least one. Arisu! He hadn't seen her in a while now, too preoccupied with helping his mom and Orchid with Fiamette. White dipped legs would carry him towards the sounds as jaws unhinged to drop the mice on the ground in front of their den. It was only a few minutes before he came across the gathering of his siblings and some old dude. Immediately the child would draw himself up, head tipped as he looked to the black and white male then to Hestia as he trotted over to the so called black sheep and plopped himself down beside her. "Look, he's funny looking like you too!" He said with a chuckle before tossing a smile to his other sisters and standing so he could cross the picket line and move to stand with his russet and red sisters. Even Vivek was here! "I think someone should fight someone. Or maybe red vs. black!" He offered, looking to his russet hued siblings of caring shades of intensity. It could be fun.