
Mavia Pups!!!

Chrono I


5 Years
06-18-2014, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2014, 09:57 PM by Chrono I.)
Your Name: Chrono fo life

Character Name:

Amarant Mathias




If I seriously had a choice, I'd be lovin up on This Sexy Babe I made. But 1200 Gems is a little out of my league.

Anyway, since I'm pretty confident I will get enough Gems before babies are popping, I will be using Kat's Design Here.

Amarant Mathias (Ah-Mah-ront Mah-Thi-is]

Amarant is a large wolf, standing tall and sturdy. He stands at 36 inches and weighs 148 pounds. He is a wolf of thick muscle, easily seen from a far distance. He may be intimidating to some wolves.

Amarant is a variety of Black and White. He holds the black color of his mother and white from his father. He also holds the appaloosa markings of his father and his father's father. Both of his parents traits are well known by one look at him. Both his eyes are a pale green, the light grey markings from Maia's Fathers eyes dulling them from the bright green eyes of his parents.

Amarant's ears stay low to his head in just about everything he is doing. The only time the point forward is when he is listening to someone speaking or he sees something different or out of the ordinary. His ears flick up and down during conversations, but this shows that he is listening intently.

If I don't get enough gems before time is up, I have a back-up. I will post the image here later. The only part that will change about the appearance are the colors.


(This may change a little depending on sibling personas; the persona will also be written as it is in chrono's, with titles)

As a pup, Amarant loves making friends and pushes others to do so as well. He is very jumpy and energetic and want to go out and have fun all the time. Adventuring is his favorite thing to do. He loves finding new things and new friends. He may even wander from his mother often too.

Due to the fact that his father never came around, Amarant begins his life with finding a strong respect to girls. He would do anything in the world to make his mother happy. His sisters the same. He befriends girls better than he does boys, but he doesn't hate them. He has a hard time understanding why other pups can have fathers when he can't, but he doesn't grow jealous of any of them.

When Amarant grows up, he is very self conserved. though he is very friendly and cares for the well-being of just about everyone, he likes to have most of his time alone. He still likes to meet other wolves, but doesn't continue to see them unless they cross paths again. Amarant wants to be apart from his mother as soon as he can to start life on his own. The only wolves he continues to make a part of his life are his sibling and his mother even though he leaves when he is ready. it is Amarant's dream to be a father one day.

RP Sample:

It was still plenty dark but the young pup knew it was coming. He gently moved from the family bunch in his den and made his way outside. His eyes switched back and forth as his head hung from the den. When he was sure no one was around, he took off in a steady, quiet beat of his paws into the trees. The leaves were brushed aside from his constant running on his one path. The ground wasn't molded yet, but it was to be in days to come.

The pup made his way through, zig-zagging through the tall forest trees, leaping over logs that stray in his way. Just as the forest cleared, he slowed to a walk and approached the top of a hill that overlooked the edge of the pack lands. His tiny paws hit the crest of the hill and he set his rump down to the grass. The clear skies were just turning a light grey, the stars lightly fading one by one. The pup stared desirably up at them as they vanished. He searched for the last star, the one that stood to be the last one every morning. And his eyes stayed on that lone star until every spot was gone from the sky. And finally the final star held in the sky slowly faded into the blue and silver sky. Instantly the boy flung his head to the horizon and his rump jolted from the ground. His tail began to wave as his eyes, wide and excited, searched for what?

It was here,the pup rose his chin to see how far he could make it to see the first glimpse. Red slivered it's way over the plain, the ball of fire shimmering from it's heat. It slowly rose, revealing different shades of orange, red, and soon the globe was yellow. The boy then relaxed, a smile showing and then fading from his face. There was no way of telling what went through his mind in that moment. His head dropped low to the ground as he turned around and headed back to the den. His paws tapped on the soil, the same trail he took to get here. The life drained from him, he seemed pouty instead of bouncy.

His body slugged it's way all the way back to the family den, no one was outside, but was anyone in? He made his way behind the den, and slowly inched his way to the entrance. When he hit the opening, his eye creeped along the edge, looking for the ones who resided in the home. There he saw his siblings,and his mother silently snoozing exactly where he left them. He let out a long breath, thankful that his mother had not woken and worried about her missing child. And so he gently scooted himself into the den, and laid next to his brother. He wondered when they would all wake up, or if he had woke them in the process. Either way, he would stare at the den wall, and wait for someone to get up.