



7 Years
06-18-2014, 09:20 PM

The claimed one remained silent when everyone showed up, although she couldn't help but tuck behind Sibelle slightly when so many strangers surrounded her. It wasn't hard for her small form to vanish behind Sibelle's russet one, but all the wolves seemed to form a circle around them. Biting her lip she didn't let go of the whine that dared to sound, staying quiet even when some strong voices spoke out. There was a few faces that she knew, but not much at all. And then they came, the small ones. Ekko's whole body froze, feeling as if someone had dunked her into a ice cold river. Why was there so many of them? There was no stopping the whine now, it sounded as her ears fell flat onto her rusty red skull. Her short tail tucked between her legs as fear scent rolled off her tiny bodice. No, there was way too many of them. She needed to shut off the images that threatened to render her a useless beast. How could she pay attention to her lady if she was rolled into a little fear ball? She needed to get a hold of herself. She squeezed her pale blue eyes closed, shutting everything out. It wasn't hard with only one hearing ear.

Sibelle's voice shattered her barrier, one single eye peeking open to see that she was going over the ranks. She already knew what she was, she was claimed by the very lady who commanded everyone's attention. She didn't need to speak up, plus no one had even talked to her yet. Allowing both eyes to open she risked a glance over the crowd, wondering if some would walk away without giving her their loyalty. She wouldn't put it past some of them, it was hard to follow someone when you still longed for your old leader. By the sounds of it, no one even knew that she had vanished. She knew the tale, she knew the whole thing. Sibelle had told her after she claimed Ekko, but she remained quiet on the reason why. If she was asked to tell, she would. But for now, she didn't let a single word pass her ebon lips. Everyone else needed to state if they were coming or going, either way Ekko had no choice. She was bound to Sibelle now, pack or not.

[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]