
Welcome to My Home


06-18-2014, 10:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The clouds, which had until this point seemed demure and quiet above as they released a light coating of snow, suddenly became more menacing, the snowfall intensifying to the point that Yin glanced upward and away with a narrowing of her eyes. It had taken a dangerous turn, falling thickly and quickly, reminiscent of the beginnings of blizzard weather. For a moment she wondered whether their small shelter would be enough to protect both herself and Klypso from the cold and frigid wind, but then she stopped herself. She was a hardy one, from the north and fully capable of withstanding a simple blizzard. As for her company...she would do what she could, but she could not hold herself responsible if he did not have the strength to get himself through it.

Her companion spoke again, informing her that the decision of whether he stayed or left was hers to make. He hated feeling as if he was keeping her from being herself, whatever she naturally was without him, and that he cared for her no matter what he did. Of course, he said all this in his own words, which were more long winded than she suspected was necessary, though she supposed it was all a ruse to tiptoe around the fact of the matter that he thought she might not want him around.

In a way, he was right. He was a burden, something that needed her attention and care and protection, and a little she resented him for it. He did slow her down, and because she could no longer be selfish and self-serving his presence bothered her. But at the same time, he reminded her of her brother, the figure in her life that had meant the most to her, who had always been deserving of her kindness and compassion and companionship. And this, too, made her resent him; no one could ever replace her brother in her eyes, and living with the reminder that he was not there was bothersome. She supposed she had made up her mind from the start, even if she had been dragging him along the whole time. It was a feeble attempt at keeping the memory of her brother alive, at trying to cling to him when he was long gone. and what sense was there in fooling herself, and Klypso, any longer?

She frowned deeply, not liking the path her thoughts had traveled, but she sensed freedom, felt its pull, and let it guide her words, her actions. "I don't know how to live with others now," she stated, explaining herself while she still had the chance. "I've only ever lived with my brother, and he was tolerant of me always, even when he shouldn't have been. You are good like he was. You deserve a better companion than me. No matter what you may think of me," she added quickly, sternly, leaving no room for him to counter her otherwise. But then she paused, turning her mismatched eyes away guiltily, stubbornly. "You should go. You'll be better off."

She did not wait for him to say anything to stop her, to talk her out of her decision, to stall her and make things different. He had offered to leave, and so she had released them both from their burdens. With a flick of her dark tail she stalked toward him, eying him for a second before she leaned in and placed a lick against face where she had cleaned away the blood just a little while ago, as if cleaning away some that she had missed, and then she turned and hurried into a trot, a lope, to disappear across the snows and find herself a den alone somewhere so that Klypso could at least hole up inside the den they had shared and stay warm during the oncoming storm.

-Exit Yin-

OOC: I think I'm going to be setting Yin inactive soon, so I figured she could let Klypso go, just in case. x: