


06-18-2014, 11:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2014, 11:20 PM by Flamesong.)
Amber eyes would assess the alabaster queen as she approached, greeting his daughter with the excitement that he too had shown when seeing her again for the first time. The silver man dipped his head to the lady upon her approach. He had not yet had the chance to introduce himself before his daughter spoke for him. Slightly embarrassed, Flamesong lifted his eyes to chastise Melody and was distracted instead by the appearance of the queen.

It seemed her face had a slight glow to it, her amethyst eyes sparkling with a light that was unusual to most wolves. The lady wasn't showing yet, but she was pregnant. A soft smile grew on his face as the thought wrapped around his brain. Pups. Wouldn't it be so great to be around pups again?

Since Flamesong knew better than to question a queen about her pregnancy, he pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and greeted her with every sign of respect.

"Roman Armada, milady of Tortuga. As my daughter so boldly stated, my name is Flamesong Ethereo and I would be honored to be a part of your pack. I hope you do not allow familial ties to judge our actions; my son..." He could not even speak his name any longer. This poor woman. She seemed so strong, and after what his son had done? She was a better wolf than many.

"What my son did to you was unspeakably wrong. He was always a troublesome child but I never would have thought..." He felt like a fool, apologizing to this woman he had never met, trying to make excuses for the inexcusable. His eyes burned bright with anger and disappointment, remembering hearing straight from his son what had transpired.

"I just want you to know, milady. That Fugue is no longer. He has passed from us. It seems the gods have finally punished him for his misdeeds, if it provides you any clarity. There isn't a day that passes where I do not wish I could have been there to father him, and steer him from his ways." His apologies were hardly appropriate, but he had to personally confront his sons victim. To see where she was now was a relief and a horror all its own. To think he had given that boy was a true shame.