


06-19-2014, 04:38 AM

Roman still didn't know what to make of this pregnancy. It was difficult, and strange to her. The idea of something living and growing inside of her- seemed alien. "Pregnant?" Qanik coughed out, and Roman looked down at the ground sheepishly. Cursing, not for the first time, Faust. A smile grew at the older woman's jaws, and she spoke again and Roman relaxed more. She supposed Qanik wondered whom the father was, and she supplied the answer to the question that the woman had been so kind not to ask. "Faust is their father. I... haven't told him yet." She said lightly, as she glanced around at her stomach. Truth is, she was nervous about telling Faust. How would he react. Looking at her stomach, she sighed. The idea that it would get HUGE was insane to her. She was about to be fat- and fat wasn't attractive. What had she done?

They were on to the more important matters at hand however, and as Qanik took in her request. Roman studied her. This was what she liked about Qanik- what she admired. The white wolf didn't just jump into something without considering it. She seemed careful, and thoughtful about everything. It was what made Roman trust her initially, when Roman had come to Tortuga. It's what made Roman feel like she could open up about anything that plagued her mind. Now Roman waited on pins and needles, waiting to hear the answer from Qanik.

When Qanik spoke, accepting Roman's request, she let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. "Thank you." She breathed, then let out a slightly large smile before speaking. "Queen Qanik."

Her smiled faded, as she remembered her other news. "There was something else.. I needed to talk to you about." She said, waiting on a response from Qanik- more so to continue. She really didn't want to be the one to deliver this news.
