


06-19-2014, 08:02 AM
The tri - colored queen could not help but feel uneasy as her father went on to speak openly about her brother. Had it been such a long trip that the man had lost all of his good sense? Her ears flattened in embarrassment as she watched her queen stiffen at the mention of his name. Her golden eyes sent darts in Flamesongs' direction.

"I assure you, my queen, he means no ill will to you. We only found out days ago, and it was not out of my power to kill the man myself upon hearing." The woman continued to be ashamed and embarrassed of the situation. She sat then, curling her amber tail around her paws. She could hear the way her tone changed as she told the pair that she had forgiven Fugue nearly a season ago. Melody nodded and tried to hold back a quiver of gratitude.

Fugue may have been a monster at one point, but to say he was a monster for choosing to confront his victim and apologize...that must have taken a lot of strength. She could not hold him guilty for not setting things straight before his passing. In the end, he had truly been troubled and it troubled Melody the more she thought about it. Perhaps what needed to happen now was not to dwell on the subject.

When the queen finished speaking, Melody would meet her amethyst eyes for only an instant before taking a deep breath and speaking once again. "But the past is the past, and it is all finished now." Her eyes darted again to her father, meeting the amber pair of eyes and sternly before continuing. "We need not dwell on the actions of others when we can make the day worthwhile right here and now."

She turned her gaze again to the queen, straightening herself out and trying to look as positive as she could.

"It has been a long journey my queen. If I could just find a place for my father to rest, even outside of Tortugan borders, it would be a blessing." She smiled then, looking to Flamesong and indicating that the conversation about Fugue was over.