



8 Years
06-19-2014, 08:42 AM


in defense of the innocent

Qanik had heard a somewhat familiar voice call from the border, and it took a moment for her to register it and recall where she'd heard it from before. Melody, one of the members who had joined immediately after Roman took Tortuga. Qanik had neither seen nor found any traces of her for quite some time, so it was a bit of a surprise to hear her now. She changed her course to bring her toward the call. She was most of the territory away hunting, so it would take some time for her to get there. Undoubtedly Roman would already have gotten there by that time, but she had to admit some curiosity as to where Melody had been all this time and so she turned that way anyway.

Slowing to approach at a walk as she got closer, her ears caught the sounds of voices - Melody's and Roman's. But a third voice rang out as well, and Qanik came to a sudden stop. Her heart squeezed painfully in her chest. Could that possibly... Flamesong?

She could barely hear over the pounding of blood in her ears, but what she did hear made her blood run cold. Fugue... the bastard who'd raped Roman... was Flamesong's... son? Flamesong... not dead. She'd simply been abandoned, her affections rejected. Her denim-blue eyes closed over eyes as filled with pain as if she'd been bitten, but when they opened again they were clear. All the hurt she'd suffered believing Flamesong dead or uncaring all these months, all the pain, all hidden behind a calm and cool mask as she stepped out to join Roman. Pain could wait. She needed to be... something not herself. The second in command, the queen Roman had asked her to be. Something regal, not hurt. Something strong, not drowning in misery.

Her eyes passed coolly over Melody - this certainly explained why she was so familiar when Qanik first met her - and over Flamesong - though a flicker of the pain she felt momentarily broke through her gaze - and passed to Roman. She summoned a smile for her alpha, her friend. Calm. Cool. Collected. "Roman," she greeted. She was glad to hear her voice come out normally, not shaking as she'd expected. "I see our wayward song has returned with company."

Her gaze traveled once more to the pair. "It's good to see you again, Melody. Flamesong - how is Erani doing?" Her voice was distant, polite as she might be with a stranger who had shown no aggression. She would not let this be a problem. No. No problem.


cowardice is the only sin