


06-19-2014, 09:07 AM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2014, 09:10 AM by Flamesong.)
The silver male nodded as his daughter chastised him for speaking up. A wave of guilt passed over him as the pale queen became visibly uncomfortable speaking to him. His eyes clouded and he felt the need to apologize himself, but it seemed too inappropriate. Instead he only nodded in agreement with Melody's statement about the past. She was right. So much like her mother...

He was just about to open his maw to protest the need for rest when a familiar scent reached him on the wind. Was that...Qanik? She was alive? Immediately his eyes brightened and his ears perked in her direction, and sure enough he could soon see her walking towards the small group. He wanted to leap for joy, to run and meet her in an embrace, but the man knew better than to cross foreign borders, especially in front of the queen. So he waited instead, hardly able to keep his tail from wagging in elation at her presence.

The alabaster beauty reached the group with no problem, but something was off about her. Was she...sick? There was something in her blue eyes that was cold and unforgiving. Flamesong took a step back and assessed her with s worried look on his features.

She asked him casually about Erani and how she was faring and the man could hardly believe his ears. Amber eyes would squint in confusion as he answered her question.

"Erani was faring well last we spoke, yet she is currently being challenged for her throne. Melody thought it would be best for me to follow her to her homepack until the challenge has ended." Forgetting all others around him, Flamesong could not break his gaze from that of the woman he had come to love.

"Qanik...why are you so distant, love?" He couldn't bear to see her acting that way, like they were strangers once more. Had what they been through truly meant nothing to her?