
New world



3 Years
06-19-2014, 04:06 PM
She was waiting for an answer, but here came Hestia. While Arisu did not hate her sister, she was not the best at interacting with her either. Both of her sisters had been pushed more to the side, and Vivek, in absence, had lost her attention as well. Even Solo, who she had been closest too, hadn?t recieved much of her attention as of late. The sickness had her mixed up, and it was a relief when a cure was found. She hadn?t known how to respond to the weakness of her family... To their hurts. She had felt useless. Powerless... And it angered her greatly. She would shift attention to Hestia, blinking, when her sister mentioned a spar. At first it had her confused. A challenge. But then... The smile... It confused her. Love wasn?t something Arisu was good at.

In her moment of silence Fia would appear, the male moving between them, leaving her question hanging in the air. Honestly Arisu felt a bit lost, taking a step back and flicking both ears back. Vivek arrived, and Solo too. She would glance to both brothers, frowning a bit. While she wasn?t particularly close to Hestia she was still family. ?As unique as that challenge would be, Solo, it is highly unfair.? The only sign of Arisu ever sticking up for Hestia. She would glance back to her sister. She wouldn?t have minded a spar, a challenge, a test to prove her strength, but now, with so many surrounding her, the dark girl was feeling out of sorts. Too many at once, and yet still more came!

The white woman, the healer, would address her, and Arisu would leave the side of her red coated siblings, looking to Hestia. ?You?ll owe me a spar, sister. Make sure it?s interesting.?[/color] Green eyes would shine, posing her challenge, yet there was a softer hint at the undertones. Perhaps Hestia needed some... Family guidance. She wanted to know about those scars on her face too... And... What the hell was that on her shoulder? She would take a moment, staring, before padding to the white woman and looking up at her with a fearless gaze.

?I am simply making sure that the gentleman is deserving of the rank my mother granted him, even if temporarily. There is nothing wrong with ensuring the worth of my packmates, is there?? She would ask, taking a seat. She would look back to Hestia, being called by another woman, and give a small nod to her sister. She was enemy to no one as of yet, though she was not afraid to step up and prove her worth to any of them if it was required. Gaze would flick back to the white woman. ?...and furthermore, I see no harm in allowing fair spars between us, so long as they are just that.? Her words kept their boldness, unwavering.