
Road Trip



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-19-2014, 09:32 PM
Erani Adravendi

Soon after Erani had finished speaking, movement behind her would notify her of Azalea?s arrival. A gently smile pulled at the old Queens muzzle, her tail sweeping behind her in a warm, silent greeting. Her eyes however remained on Roman as she watched the different expressions her speech had elicited. Odette made her appearance as well, and was given the same warm greeting.

She had seen the revoltion in Roman?s face as she had spoken of Azalea?s treatment by her fathers paws. So as Roman began to speak, Erani turned her ears forward and listened with full intensity and interest. While Erani agreed that Isardis would never deign to thank a Valhallan, any Valhallan, for the saving of his pack members, she was welcoming of the thanks Roman gave. Her head bowed slightly in acknowledgement of the thanks. ?I do what I can. A wolf in need, is a wolf in need, no matter the pack.? She fell silent again, listening on as Roman continued, and she glanced to Azalea as Roman spoke of having met her previously.

Romans words were honest, and Erani smiled sadly. ?It?s hard to hear the true tales of someone you love. Especially when they paint a darker picture than they would ever let you see.? Neo. Looking into his eyes and seeing the blatant hatred. It had been the hardest thing to see at that time. But seeing her own blood son, Gabriel, speaking to Gael in such a way as he had, after Epiphrons wedding, had been fit to break her heart. Was her youngest boy alive?

Roman continued on to speak, and as she did, Erani knew how it felt to see someone you loved dead before you. She had seen her entire birth pack slain before her; she had believed her battered brother dead for many years. That Roman was a wolf willing to hear both sides of a story, rather than just believing only what her father told her told Erani a great deal. Romans ability to listen to both sides of the story was something that attested to the fact that she was likely a fine leader. Disputes in her pack would likely be settled fairly. ?I know the feeling of losing someone close to you. My whole family and birth pack were slaughtered when I was a yearling. Cormalin, it turns out, survived, but for over four or five years, I thought he had died that day as well.?

Roman went on, telling a tale of her rape. Erani?s throat dried, her whiskers threatening to twitch as bile rose. That Roman had forgiven the male did indeed tell a great deal about her. ?I wouldn?t say foolish. The pack comes first. Always. Before you. Being a leader means making hard decisions. Sometimes the hardest ones in your life. A wise leader thinks first of the pack. That is why I settled that Peace Treaty. I know some of my pack would love to slash open the throats of some Glaciem wolves for the havoc they brought us. Some may not be happy with me for my decision. But in these two years, we have a chance to train and be strong, and that gives us a chance to win our next war, should it ever come.?

Erani?s head cocked as Roman went on to her final word, a smile drawing over her jaws. ?And I accept that treaty. Should your pack ever be in need of help, we will give what help we can.? Roman added an extra bit, and Erani nodded. ?Thank you. If you see him, let him know we are worried about him, and I want to hear from him himself.?

It was then that little Ashelia, one of Ashtoreth?s girls, bounced out of the snow from behind. The little girl in the usual pup fashion, was not at all adverse to talking to strangers, and a soft, panting chuckle rolled from her maw. ?That?s ?Adra-ven-dee?, little one. Ooh, you have grown fast, Ashelia. Seems just yesterday I watched you take your first breaths.? Erani grinned, lowering her head to nudge the pup playfully on the pudgy puppy belly. The child?s next question brought another low chuckle. ?Well, I don?t see why not, little one. But we?ll have to wait till spring. That?s when the berries start coming.? Straightening, Erani grinned at Roman. ?Now, for introductions of my own. This is Ashelia, one of our most recent litter. This is Odette, my granddaughter. And you know Azalea. And a pleasure to make your acquaintance, August.? She finished, nodding to Roman?s traveling companion.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think