
Steel Magnolias


05-04-2013, 07:39 PM

Normally, Frino wasn't one for spars. Actually, he still wasn't really one for spars. But the thought of being injured and being sent to Marvel had drawn him out after the Seracian King's howl. All right, so it was a fucked up way to get the attention of the male, but Frino couldn't help himself. He had found Marvel progressively more and more attractive as time wore on. And yet, Marvel had never seemed interested in the male. Still, Frino couldn't bring himself to give up on the white male. He really should have gotten the hint long ago, when Marvel had begun to pant after Jupiter. But he hadn't, and now here he was.

With a sigh, the male approached the few wolves that had gathered with a wave of his plumy tail. He glanced at Jupiter, tongue lolling from his mouth at the sight of the pretty orange female, and then his gaze flickered about curiously. No one that he hadn't seen before. The cute red male, and the deliciously handsome brown male that was the King of Seracia. Yum. I will spar with any who will fight me, Frino spoke lightly, Though I would enjoy sparring with the young Prince of Seracia. Well, if he was going to spar, he might as well go for the gold.

Ears flickering about lazily, the gray male settled back on his haunches a little bit behind Jupiter. Well, it did offer a nice view of her behind. It didn't have much on Marvel, but he'd take what he could get. Somehow, Frino doubted that the Healer would show up at the spar, but hey, if he got hurt, Marvel would definitely have to take care of him! Well, either that or the healer of Seracia would. Hmm. As nice as that sounded, Frino did want Marvel's undivided attention for a little bit.

He should probably focus, however. Turquoise eyes flickered to focus on Marvel, examining the faded red male with curiosity. Marvel was larger than he was, but that was nothing new. Frino was quite capable of handling larger males. In more ways than one. But in all seriousness, most wolves were larger than Frino. He could handle fighting a larger wolf. Not that he'd ever really fought before. Normally he got out of things by flirting it up. But that wasn't really going to be happening any time soon. Not when he was supposed to be sparring.

Ugh, why had this sounded like a good idea? Frino was not exactly a fighter. Damn. Maybe he should have planned this all the way through.
