
Herculean Quests



4 Years
06-20-2014, 10:49 AM

Her form would continue on, her odd gait providing safety from the trees that surrounded her. She'd found an oasis in the dessert, what surprises would it hold for her? Questions would be answered as her nose caught the slight whiff of another, the wind would alert her to his presence. A slight nervousness would blossom in her chest as her confidence was rocked. She thought she had been ready to take on a lion, but as she heard his approach she wasn't even sure she could take on this boy. A silent prayer would be offered to the gods, asking them to give her strength. Wondering if he was the quest they had given her.
He seemed quite unabashed, his footsteps sounding eager and light as an easygoing voice would reach her alerted ears. "Hey! Have you seen a girl about my heigh come by here? She's the same color as me but with black legs?" Audits would fall back upon her head at the question, blank gaze staring in his general direction. She would offer him a nervous smile, his words holding a friendly tone. She was almost regretful that she could not help him. "Hi." She would start, her voice timid now, "I'm sorry I can't help you, I can't see anyone." She felt ashamed of her disability, but still she would have faith in the gods and their decisions. There was a reason she had been denied sight. "I can smell though, and your scent is the only one I've found out here." She hoped the answer was satisfactory, that was really all she had. There was no one else in this part of the desert.

talk, think

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