
And So It Ends


05-02-2013, 07:29 PM

Something shifted in the distance, sending his lime eyes reeling in search of what could have caused the movement. Just a heifer. He watched the black and white spotted cow move, a black calf at her flanks. The young thing was searching for his mother's teat hungrily, but she would not allow him to feast at this time. Poor thing, Maverick momentarily reflected on the plight of the creature before remembering that he would make a magnificent meal. Thoughts turned more predatory after that realization. "Mr. Gold Ring.. I like it." A smirk played on his lips as he tossed lime optics in her direction briefly, searching for the beast. He had no such luck so far, but did manage to spot a smaller bull on the far side of the meadow. "Look over there," he whispered, excitement in his voice. "That's one of the younger bulls. He's only got a single cow in his harem." His gaze would set upon the young male, noting his short ivory horns and tan hide. He was sizable despite his youth, and would be formidable if he made it to his prime.

She moved ahead and he followed after her, settling himself behind a bit of vegetation so he wouldn't scare the cattle. His coloration wasn't exactly natural. She would question him about having enough wolves to hunt the cattle. "Well the calves could be taken by two, and the cows would require several more. The bulls, I don't think we've even began to estimate how many they would require. Only thing is, we kind of like them being here, because if the other prey leave for some reason - they are likely to stay. Plus, they produce more calves every few seasons. If anything we'll just bide our time and cull the herd as necessary." Nostrils flared as a strong musk filled the air. "That'd be Mr. Gold Ring," he remarked with a twinge of warning in his voice. He didn't want his fianc? being trampled or gored. "Over there." He spoke, nose pointing in the direction he was referring to. Just on the edge of the meadow where the tan bull still stood grazing, a larger - quite impressive - bull emerged from the woods. From his massive size and the length of his horns, Maverick knew this was the bull. As the beast swung his head, the ring in his nose confirmed the story. Awe swam in his eyes as he watched the massive creature emerge - his size truly magnificent. The bull snorted and the younger one moved a short distance away. Even other cattle feared this guy.

"Well, what do you think?" He was honestly curious as to how others viewed the cattle. Maverick thought them to be quite interesting creatures, and often spent his time just watching them. Of course many times he dreamed of taking one down, but would never risk doing so on his own. Perhaps one day he and Chrysanthe could bring down a calf together, or even a cow with the right sized party.
