
Tonight, Tonight

Novel i


8 Years
06-20-2014, 03:27 PM

They really were far from being each other's twin. The way they were raised and who they grew up with seeming so vastly different. She would try and put memories of Series and his mate from her mind. She didn't want to be like that, and she didn't want to spread her father's ideals any either. She would hope that his way of life had died with him, she couldn't count on her siblings though. Many of them had harbored a darkness within their hearts she thought might have overtaken them.
With Dutiron though she could forget her past, and she could focus on their future. She knew that she could never leave him by choice. "Well I have some good news for you then, as I'm not going anywhere." Though he had made such declarations before it didn't stop a flutter of butterflies to well up within her gut. A girlish nervousness waking within her as she sat next to the man of her dreams. "Though my reasons may be selfish, I would perish as well." Truly they were soul mates. She couldn't explain them any other way. Thoughts of the future would catch her up. What did he have planned? What did she have planned?
With a gust of wind the woman would find a chill going up her back, the feeling making way for her heat to be remembered once more. She'd not thought of having any more children. With their second litter she had found complete happiness in herself and her mate. She felt a need for him though that was hard to ignore, and she knew he had noticed the season that was upon them. "What kind of future do you see for us, Dutiron?" Her voice was quiet, but curious. What was he thinking?
