



8 Years
06-20-2014, 05:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2014, 05:29 PM by Qanik.)
OOC: Sorry if it's a little confusing, it took me forever to write this post and I lost track of what I was writing a couple times.


in defense of the innocent

Though apparently confused by her demeanor, Flamesong answered her question about Erani. It took her a moment to register his words, caught as she was between hurt and an uncharacteristic anger. What right did he have to be confused that she might have changed in his absence? How long had he been gone? Where had he been? What had he done? And he thought he could just take up where he left off with her being no different than before? But his words were important enough to pierce through her pain. "I am sorry to hear that Erani must face a challenge," she murmured sincerely. "I hope she does her pack justice."

She marveled that her voice remained cool and steady despite the hot liquid that burned in her chest. This whole thing was a nightmare. Leave me to grieve in peace, her heart cried to the man, who couldn't hear and therefore stubbornly remained there instead of fading into nothingness. Distant, stranger. Not a problem. "As far as I am concerned you are welcome here as long as need be, but that is of course up to my queen." She turned her muzzle toward Roman, vaguely surprised to see that she had backed off slightly as though to give them room to talk. When had she done that?

Flamesong spoke more, though, and her attention swung back to him as her heart cracked into jagged pieces. He would call her love? As though nothing had changed? You left me! her heart screamed. She had been right to be cautious with her heart, it seemed, for with her appearance she had nothing to offer someone to hold their love. But she had her dignity, and she would sweep the shards of her heart beneath the rug for her to deal with later. It would be her own private hell, and no one else needed to see. "It has been a long time, Flamesong," she answered in as smooth a voice as she could manage. "Everything changes. Sometimes it's necessary to adapt." I mourned for you her heart snarled.

Her voice may be smooth, but her soul was quaking. If she didn't leave, she would snap. Turning her head to Roman, she excused herself as gracefully as possible. "I must go... I only stopped to make sure you didn't need help. I told Shay I would be meeting him at his den; I need to speak with him about the issue he seems to have with squirrels," she said, inventing a quick excuse in as humorous a way as she could to hide the pain. It was true, she did need to speak with him about forcefeeding the little rodents his herbal concoctions again, but it could have waited and she had not in fact said she would be meeting him anywhere, but to make it so her excuse was not a lie she would track him down. The strange scarred male had no real grasp of emotion and would be unlikely to even notice her own unstable state.

Even now she was a little too regal, a little too composed, the mask held in place by sheer stubbornness even as panic and hurt threatened to engulf her. "Please excuse me," she spoke equally to all, over-sized paws turning her to walk away before something happened to make it all worse.

- exit Qanik -


cowardice is the only sin