



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-20-2014, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2014, 08:03 PM by Epiphron.)

Erani?s lunge for Viridiana?s neck had caused the crimson lady to throw her weight away, and instead of her jaws firmly grasping the back of her opponent?s neck, where a firm hold would draw no blood but likely control the situation, Vi attempted to meet her with what Erani supposed would be her teeth. Instead, Erani felt her canines rip into Viridiana?s face, breaking away from it at the lip. Erani saw the expression on her opponent?s face, even as she attempted to ram her weight forward, attempting to follow Viridiana before she could fully regain her balance, attempting to slam her chest against the flat outer right shoulder of the Crimson female in an attempt to shake her balance further.. So she?s also vain. The thought whipped in and out of Erani?s mind. Repercussions would likely follow any attacks to the face. While blinding her opponent would put a quick end to the fight, Erani didn?t feel like dealing with a vindictive female in the future should she come out of this on top.

Her throat jab landed home as Viridiana drew back slightly, and a bit harder than she had actually intended. Viridiana?s few steps backward gave Erani a split second of breathing room, and a short moment to think. As Viridiana threw herself back into the fight, jaws snaking toward Erani?s leg, Erani attempted to lunge forward, attempting to pull her leg out of range with the abrupt movement, and attempting to bring her right side slamming against Viridiana?s right side?s rib-cage. Hind legs drove down, claws raking into the soil, as Erani attempted to thrust forward, her jaws attempting to aim for the raised spine that caught her attention; should Erani gain her target, she would attempt to sink her teeth in to the gums, her head attempting to shake violently to potentially bring mild to severe damage to Viridiana?s right mid lumbar region, mild being deep lacerations at mid lumbar region, severe being damaged nerves in the region. A canine carved a deep path of blood across her right foreleg, spattering the white fur as Viridiana?s attempted grasp to her leg thankfully missed a direct hold in her movement. The pain seared through her leg, but she shut the mental den door to that sensation. She guessed it to be maybe bone deep, easily fixable.

With her right shoulder, Erani attempted to drive the point of her right shoulder into the soft area behind Viridiana?s right side rib-cage, the action falling in coincidental time with Viridiana?s sudden shift of weight into Erani?s right side. Erani attempted to throw her weight into her right shoulder thrust into Vi?s right side, both to keep her balance, and to attempt at driving the breath from her opponent. Bruising would erupt from their collision of bodies, along Erani?s right side. At the very back of her mind, her healer?s instincts were saying they were minor, and would hinder her very little.

Paws were square and balanced, tail tucking between her legs to protect it from grabbing now that her hind end would possibly be in close proximity with Vi?s business end. Hackles remained fully fluffed, ears pinned, face scrunched to protect her vital areas of eyes and nose. Her shoulders rolled forward, scruff scrunched over her cervical vertebrae for protection. Her abdomen muscles tightened, while her chin tucked to guard her throat. Her toes spread wide apart, pads balanced, claws extending to lend traction as they regained purchase in the winter cold soil. Her joints remained loose to allow a full range of smooth movement when needed. And in all the time of the fight, she hadn?t made a single sound except for slightly quickened breathing.

Her training was coming back to her, and one thing of the training was to always be aware of all of your surroundings. So she was aware of the new Challenge being made by none other than the one who had challenged Chrysanthe for Valhalla. And won. She set the information aside. Perhaps this fight would be over in time to see who reigned victor of the other challenge. Whether she won or lost, she would be curious to see if the pale female?s luck would continue. Erani needed to assure stability for her pack first. Azalea was expecting. Ashtoreth had a young litter. Emer?s children were growing, and needed the stability at these points of their lives, and Kismet and Soren had only just been brought safely home. She wasn?t giving this woman Valhalla without a hard fight for it. Her own pride was nothing compared to the safety of her pack, both mental and physical.

Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 4

Defenses: Lunging forward to avoid the full grasp of Vi's leg grab attempt. Main defenses Listed in second to last paragraph.

Attacks: even as she attempted to ram her weight forward, attempting to follow Viridiana before she could fully regain her balance, attempting to slam her chest against the flat outer right shoulder of the Crimson female in an attempt to shake her balance further. | jaws attempting to aim for the raised spine that caught her attention; should Erani gain her target, she would attempt to sink her teeth in to the gums, her head attempting to shake violently to potentially bring mild to severe damage to Viridiana?s right mid lumbar region, mild being deep lacerations at mid lumbar region, severe being damaged nerves in the region. | With her right shoulder, Erani attempted to drive the point of her right shoulder into the soft area behind Viridiana?s right side rib-cage, the action falling in coincidental time with Viridiana?s sudden shift of weight into Erani?s right side. Erani attempted to throw her weight into her right shoulder thrust into Vi?s right side, both to keep her balance, and to attempt at driving the breath from her opponent. |

Injuries: Minuscule bleeding from torn skin on her right side of the neck. Laceration to the bone of her right foreleg. Possible bruising to right side. Bruised right shoulder.

Out Of Character Notes: Dione admits to being a lil' tipsy in the writing of her second round fight post, and we clarified that Vi and Erani are right shoulder to right shoulder in this fight (For the time being, if those moves go well.) *Deep breath.* Here we go.