
Cold Air

Chrono I


5 Years
06-20-2014, 08:30 PM

Chrono could tell by a slight movement on the fae's face when she scented the bitter smell of blood coming from the ripped flesh of the elk before them. He let their eyes connect when she attempted to hold his gaze. Her expression was almost angelic looking up at him with a motherly smile. A lecture, not so much, was bound to come from the woman's mouth.

Wishes me to achieve more? Highly doubt that. He thought, A Lucky privilege? Yeah right. The male only saw her words as water flowing on stones, they weren't touching him. Being harder?

He was too busy having a conversation in his head with the girl he had missed her tear drop, as if he could even see it if he were looking. When Esper rose to her feet and walked to the edge of the cliff, his thoughts drained. He was sure that he didn't make an impression that he was offended or that he wasn't listening, but he wasn't so sure since the fae walked off sadly.

Chrono rose to his feet as well, silently stepping over to the girl but stopping behind her. He didn't much care for other wolves, but he didn't want to be the cause of such brutality.

"Being on my own has brought me more than wisdom. More than age." His lips let out softly, trying to get his point across without being hurtful. "My Independence is what kept me alive." He continued to speak without stopping, "If Tortuga chooses to banish me, to punish me, then I'll take it. I do what I want with my life, whether it be helping myself or going out of my way." He let out a short pause before he concluded, "I may be heartless but I'm not dead. No one came to save me."

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