
Let's Go, Let's Go~



5 Years
06-20-2014, 09:10 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2014, 09:11 PM by Lior.)
The thought of having a swimming lesson, one that was planned, brought her spirits up. Lior still liked the water, though she did understand it was dangerous now. It would likely need to wait until the following year, however, when the world began getting warm once more. Not telling their mother the full story was an idea for the best as well. Already the woman worried for her children, surely and truly, though Lior did not mean to worry her mother so. Of course she was not the only one, but her adventurous nature surely wouldn?t be earning her any points in favor.

It would take Anais a moment to understand what she meant, but then the other girl would realize what she meant. The thicket, the area with so much tall grass that hide others from view. It wasn?t one of Ebony?s lands and so the girl knew not to go within. Besides... Strangers could hide so easily there... And other things as well. She didn?t want to get hurt, or involved in something she wouldn?t be able to get out of. Anais? words hinted at that sometimes wolves with intent that was less than pure would go through those lands as well. Those who were... dark.

?Oh...? Lior would pad on a bit, swishing her tail in thought a bit before looking back to Anais. ?You?ve had some training in stuff, right Anais? Can you teach me some things?? Her eyes were shining. ?We could make it part of our game... Like a... School sort of game. With lessons and you can be the teacher and I?ll be your student... And we can have a scavenger hunt or something too! Fun school events!? Mind was back on play, though with purpose. ?...and you can teach me how to know if wolves aren?t good too...?

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]