
A New Start To Adventure


06-20-2014, 09:20 PM

Finally, he felt well enough to travel around Ludicael on his own. It was wonderful, though he still wouldn?t go far from the den. He wanted to spend time with Sorrel as well, but for the moment he was letting his brother spend some sorely needed time with their mother. He knew that he was close to her, and that in his sickness he had been babied and cared for. But the mirrored twin would not let that come between them. But there were other things on his agenda right now, like finding something neat to catch his attention.

Paws would move across the earth, seeking the company of a stranger. Just about any stranger, so long as they were of Ludicael. He wanted to meet more of his pack, his family. He wanted to make friends, to expand on himself. He would come to a pause though, coming across the water of the falls that ran through the territory. It was frozen around the edges, and the boy was careful to move on the icy edges to get a drink of water, knowing that ice was not a reliable stepping stone. He would keep his bi-colored eyes opened as he drank, still looking around at the unique beautiful white world around him.