
The Woman in Me (Needs the Man in You)


06-20-2014, 09:26 PM

Kar would shake his head as Nalyda attempted to comfort him. He would give her a pained smile, sadness clear in his eyes, though there was sincerity in his words when he spoke. ?No, Nalyda... I... I think she has left Alacritia. I?m going to take this as a sign to be with the woman I love, to stay by your side.? It was hard to willingly give up his friend, but it was for the best. Zanire never approved of Nalyda... And to find her would invite much unneeded conflict in the relationship. No, it was better to move on.

Kar would give a small nod as she spoke on the matter of a pack, leaning against her some. ?It is not something we necessarily need to figure out right away, my Nalyda. It would be safer in numbers, but that does not necessarily mean that we need a pack life. I have lived with a paw in both lifestyles, as a traveling loner and a pack wolf. I have enjoyed both, and honestly I am fine with either. As long as you feel comfortable with what we decide, our decision, that is good enough for me.?

Kar would glance to the sky, giving a soft sigh. ?It seems ages ago that I was forced to leave my pack... With all those natural disasters, and the sickness that came across the land... I feared that leaving Alacritia would be our only choice. But according to that old loner we passed someone in a pack in the south found a cure for the sickness. Perhaps things will be getting better soon.?

Speech, Thought