


06-20-2014, 09:29 PM

The woman would speak again, scolding him again for having the herd run as it did. Nearly killing him, as she was quick to remind the male. He didn?t want to think of such things, and gaze would lower to the earth. ?I...? The male knew he was not so careless on purpose, not necessarily. There was something wrong with his mind... Something that kept him distracted and distorted... Affecting his speech. His mannerisms. She would speak again, seeming to understand his loss, and even offering to assist him in his search. Kyda would look up to her, faded blue eyes shining with a bit of hope.

?Appreciated be it would... Sort some have of I... Think I injury something or... Remember hard to is and it concentrate...? She seemed to understand him at least somewhat, which was good. Kyda would move, his body shifting to reveal the male had more than just some sort of mental trauma that gave him trouble. She would be able to see now that he had bore previous injury, taking away that part of him that made him truly a male. He?d look around, giving a soft sigh. He had no idea even where to begin. ?...Might lost be think I.? He?d say softly, unaware of what this woman might want in exchange for her service of aid.

{{Kyda Translations!!

Original:: ?Appreciated be it would... Sort some have of I... Think I injury something or... Remember hard to is and it concentrate...?

What Kyda Means To Say:: ?It would be appreciated.. I have some sort of... Injury or something I think... It is hard to remember and concentrate...?

Original:: ?...Might lost be think I.?

What Kyda Means To Say:: ?...Think I might be lost...?}}

