
Out And About



7 Years
06-20-2014, 09:32 PM

So it had been mostly wanderlust that guided her along this way, and then it was his howl that drew her in. Gala was honestly a bit surprised, by happy that he had managed to draw someone in with his happiness. Sharing such an emotion was a beautiful and wonderful thing, something to be cherished and welcomed, surely. He would give a small nod of understanding. He would look to the sky, a wide smile on his maw as he allowed himself to, for the moment, just focus on the surroundings around them.

?I am glad that you answered the call, even if that was not the original goal. It never hurts to meet a new friend, someone that you can trust.? Galahad would give a small nod, looking back to her. ?...Perhaps it is a bit strange, but I have the feeling that we will be seeing more of each other, June. I would like to be able to call you a friend... Someone that I can meet and share happiness again with.? His words were calm and certainly more optimistic for what lay ahead.

?Are you hungry perhaps? We could always try and round something up. There is a way up the ravine not far from here, and prey feeds on the grasses above. If we can injure something larger it might not be able to jump... And fall within the ravine so we could have a decent meal. That is, if you are up for it.? He spoke to her easily... Though once Galahad thought a wolf was a friend, or an ally, that was how he was. There was no reason for aggression or anything else of that nature.

"Speech" Think