


07-20-2014, 10:24 PM

With Greek bristling at her side, she curiously gazed at the two other wolves. They seemed like they'd been through a lot, one was missing a hind leg. They also seemed stable together, which spoke volumes to Roman as she stared. The darker female spoke first talking to Greek. Roman watched the interaction with a small smile on her jaws as the fossa fluffed up- trying to appear larger then his mere fifteen inches. "What am I? I am a Fossa." He said, raising up on his hindlegs. He tilted his head, looking at the wolves. "You is a wolf, you is. An odd looking pair of wolfs, but wolfs none the less." He said, though his tone now lacked aggression and was full of curiosity. It was then that Roman would take in the pair's request to know more of their pack. They were introduced as Kangi and Talon, and Roman nodded politely- logging their names in her mind.

She didn't want to waste their time, so she got to the point. "Tortuga is a pack of neutrality. We tend to stay out of the pointless drama of other packs, unless one of our allies call upon us- or unless we are threatened. We're small, but growing steadily and it's my intention to keep the wolves here close-knit- like a family." She explained, her voice soft. "I'm the only Fossa." Greek interrupted, and Roman chuckled and interrupted him, before he could go on a long tirade about fossa pride. "Most of our wolves specialize in either hunting, fighting, or healing, though there are a few that don't have a specialty. Regardless they are respected for their loyalty, and the things they do to help us." Roman wouldn't turn away a wolf, just because they didn't specialize- she knew all to well the usefulness of helpers, and wolves that were free of duties to do anything. "Did that answer your questions?" She asked politely, her body relaxed, as she waited to see if they wanted to know more.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak