


06-21-2014, 02:20 AM

Strolling quite proudly by the same stream he had found since he had crossed into the lands, the bold man made his entrance into the lands of the East. His cobalt eyes glimmered in the morning sunshine as he dashed alongside the stream. The water rapidly lapped at his paws as he ran in the grass. He eagerly ran with boundless energy, satisfied he was. On his road to somewhere, he may as well enjoy himself in these awfully beautiful looking creeks and streams. Licking his jaw with satisfaction, he slowed himself down into an content walk. Cyan orbs wisely gazed down the stream as he emerged. What a fine day this was.


A strange and eerie cry came to Dusk's ears and he searched down the stream. Oh! What was this? A tiny wildcat was swimming against the spiraling current! The poor furball wailed out, soaked and tired. He met the tiredness in the cat's eyes, drowning in agony. He couldn't let the river claim an innocent life, he had to save this strange wildcat! Preparing to swiftly dive into the water, a silver figure of grace emerged from nowhere, neatly grabbing the wildcat in her jaw before rescuing the drowning creature. She laid the wailing creature on the ground, where Dusk tried to hear the words that were spoken across the river, the sparkling silver lady and the trembling and soaked wildcat. He only heard the names of the two creatures, Zlata, the stunning dame of moonlight silver and Gendry, the shivering wildcat. Nods and questions were passed around and finally, Gendry followed Zlata away from the river and somewhere that the man could not see. Would he follow them? He blinked his kind eyes, staring into the stream. What an affectionate lady to rescue an unfamiliar creature. Though by now they're probably the best of friends. Dusk felt happy for both of them. After a moment of silence (except for the water by his paws), the silent hunter would trek once more along the river, his heart warm and touched.
