


06-21-2014, 03:05 AM
Pain. Anger. Confusion.

What was she even talking about? Necessary to adapt? Yes, it had been a long time, but how could she treat him so? Amber eyes would watch as the lady departed back into her territory, his paws itching to chase her and his mind knowing to stay put. Where was she going? How could she even...?

Silver face would give no effort in masking the emotions that would cross his features. Didn't she know what he had been through to even come back to Tortuga? Had she lost every bit of heart that he had seen in her those many times they had been together? Who was this woman who so boldly tred upon his heart and took off with it between her jaws? The man didn't even know what to say.

His vision was clouded, and suddenly he noticed the Tortugan queen and his daughter standing closeby.He turned his face to them and tried to steady his racing heart.

"Excuse me, I need to..." In his minds eye, he saw her face, avoiding his gaze and hiding behind an emotionless mask. Her eyes, distant and cold, were burning into his psyche, confusing his already addled brain. The man took a shaky step back and shook his head.

"I must rest, if you will excuse me, milady." His head would dip to the lady. Even in this state, the man would never forget his courtesy. Twin blazes would search for his daughter, and in finding her the man would open his maw. Words would not escape his parted jaws, and he allowed his mouth to close again. He was simply lost, the only stars in sight were those found in the eyes of his beloved. How could she have been so cold...