


06-21-2014, 07:07 AM

Who was she without her face? She had never come to find out who she was without her looks, having always been defined by the color of her pelt and the bone structure she had so coveted. Was there anything beyond the flesh? She would never know, she would never care to know. This was who she was and it was who she would forever be, the lady in red. She didn?t need depth, intelligence, or even power as long as she had her beauty. Though luckily she would have it all one day, possibly soon. She would rip the crown from this old woman?s boney claws if she had to and then carve it from her flesh so she would never have any dreams of recreating this filthy pack again. She would make sure that by the end of this she would crush them all in the ground. She had wanted to destroy them all, to chase them from their homelands. Though it had started with simply the desire to dethrone the ruling family now came the need to destroy them all.

Erani?s right foreleg would lift, attempting to flee Vi?s jaws only to collide quite violently with her upper jaw and rake against it hard enough to draw blood and cause her tooth to ache as it collided with the bone. But she would be denied the grip she had so desired, the foot fleeting past as he head rocked back slightly with the impact. Left forepaw would dart forward, slamming it into the ground to halt any forward progression. No she wanted to be close to this woman so she could rip the bitches eyes out of her skull or pull her intestines out of her ass.... Whichever end ended up closest to her. But instead she was left somewhere in between the two with nose near the white woman?s flank, a shoulder snapping out to slam into Vi?s ribcage. Body would twist and bend to absorb the impact, seeming to arch inwards so hip turned towards Erani?s face and shoulder turned to try and meet her hip to make a sort of V with her body.

A flash of ivory was all that alerted her to an attack almost a hair too late. She leaned, spinning quickly in an attempt to pull her hips out of striking range and bring her body in a T shape with Erani. But jaws came down heavily on her spine anyways, raking lines on either side of her spine down to her hipbones before the pressure would release. Blood flowed down her body like a waterfall it seemed, hot wetness cascading down her ribs and hipbones. The wounds would be deep and jagged, obviously going to scar, pain arching through her like a white-hot knife. But it was nothing but fuel to the fire, it did nothing but add to the rage and anger that arched through her. Again the bitch would attempt to shoulder check the red woman, her fragile old frame feeling like it might shatter in her own mind as Vi leaned forward into the impact, adding her own force to it in hopes of adding some damage to the white woman, moving herself so shoulder would collide with shoulder at a rather awkward angle.

The woman?s tail was tucked, ultimately thwarting Vi?s initial thought of attempting to rip her intestines out her ass. But disembowelment was still fresh on her mind and she wanted this woman dead? Paws would splay to center herself, joints loosing and allowing knees to bend so she would drop her center of gravity slightly. Neck scrunched, shoulders rolling forward and hackles rising to further protect herself from the damage of this woman?s jaws. Toes splayed as claws dug into the ground for extra traction. Eyes narrowed into a dangerous glare, lips curling back into a vicious snarl to further scrunch loose skin up around her face. Ears folded back as she went in for the kill, jaws unhinging as she attempted to reach forward to the tender bit of flesh between her hip and her ribcage on her right side while also closing the gap between her jaw and throat to protect it.

Should she gain the hold she would clamp down, attempting to do as much internal damage as possible and then shake violently and maliciously. Maybe if she shook hard enough the bitch?s flesh would give out and her intestines would hit the ground? But she wasn?t done there, her left forepaw lifting as she attempted to bring it down as heavily as possible into Erani?s right hind paw. She had every wish and intention to break the delicate bones in the paw should her aim and strength not fail her. She was done playing nice, she was done fucking around. It was time to do whatever she could to finish this now and ensure her victory, to ensure her children wouldn?t die at the paws of the filthy Valhallan?s as her brother?s son had.


ATTACKS: Lowering herself slightly and striking forward to attempt to grab a hold of the squishy part between Erani?s right hip and ribcage. Should the bite land she will attempt to latch on and pull as well as shake. At the same time lifting left front paw and attempting to bring it down on Erani?s right hind paw hoping to break it should her aim be true.

DEFENSES: Paws would splay to center herself, joints loosing and allowing knees to bend so she would drop her center of gravity slightly. Neck scrunched, shoulders rolling forward and hackles rising to further protect herself from the damage of this woman?s jaws. Toes splayed as claws dug into the ground for extra traction. Eyes narrowed into a dangerous glare, lips curling back into a vicious snarl to further scrunch loose skin up around her face. Ears folded back as she went in for the kill, unhinging jaw to close the distance between her jaw and throat.

INJURIES: Minor bruising along her ribcage. 2 DEEP gouges along her spine from mid back to hip bones along with a few scrapes from Erani?s minor teeth. Moderate bruising along her right shoulder.

OOC NOTES: Message me if you need anything!

