
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)



4 Years
06-21-2014, 11:56 AM

Baldur walked just slightly behind the pup partly do to his wound but mostly because he struggled to mentally process everything that had just happened. He'd managed to save the pup from a bear attack. Four deep gashes now spread across his scruff and he doubted even his fluffy coat would mask these scars. Especially not with the blood staining his pelt so vibrantly. But he could worry about his wounds later. At the moment he just wanted to get Raisa's son safely home.

"You should stay with him." Baldur winced slightly. He was aware of the ever growing possibility that Sigmarr was his son. He was the right age, he had no father, he was Raisa's, his eye color was similar, his markings? he had Baldur's eye patch it was?. it was uncanny. Baldur swallowed feeling suddenly nauseous. Spirits alive was he a father? An apparently piss poor one at that.

"If she wasn't in heat there's no way you could've known? but? I think you should stay. If Raisa is indeed gone. Baldur they need their family."

He knew Linnea? was right but it felt weird leaving Thor and Loki. They each had a family but unlike these pups they had no pack. It was two adults fending for a wealth of pups though he supposed both Ullr and Dyani were old enough to help out. Maybe they'd chance pack life again? He doubted it but still. Linne? had a point. Especially if these were his pups! He couldn't walk out on them like this. Not now. And even if they weren't his? well?

Baldur paused at the border, offering a short howl before continuing on. Normally he had the common sense to wait but the sooner he had Sigmarr back home the better he'd feel. The woman who had called the meeting was not one he reconized. A stern, dark-colored femme. As Sigmarr talked Baldur moved softly forward, gently offering himself for the pup to lean into. He couldn't imagine this was easy for the boy. "M'am I'm Baldur Hroovinisson. I? knew Raisa a long while back." He took a deep breath. Was he really doing this? "And if it's not too much trouble I'd like to join the pack. I only ask that I be allowed to leave for a time to notify my siblings and their families if I'm accepted. I am a capable hunter but my skills lie in battle. I was trained young and? aggressively in the arts of battle. I will prove my worth to you if need be."


*notes: Linne? is a hallucination of Baldur's slain lover