
A New Meaning


06-21-2014, 01:24 PM
Soft paws hit the ground in a smooth beat, with her body seeming the float across the ground. She moved graciously towards the border of the Olympus pack, she had heard the stories, of the main family descending from gods. Whether she believed that or not she was going to join them. While she moved perfectly calm her heart showed her emotion. She was excited. Her heart was betting very fast, and the closer she got to it the faster it got (well it felt like it was beating faster). And when she reached her destination she stopped, and smelt the air, she was close to the border, but not over it. That was good, for she had no intention of seeming like a threat to anyone. She could smell the scents of wolves whom had come and gone, and then there was the fresher ones, the ones you could tell had only been there for a day or two at the most, she hoped she had found the correct back. So she hoped to be by the border of Olympus and raised a howl. Anyone near the border would be able to smell her, however if they were not, they would have no way of knowing that she was even there. After she was done howling she softly sat down, still making sure not even a paw went over the border.