
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)



5 Years
06-21-2014, 05:20 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Slowly but surely Callisto had been getting her health and strength back, at first taking her time about it but then pushing on in her healer training with renewed gusto. She needed to be better. The epidemic that had stolen through the territory had set her back, proving to her that not only was she just as susceptible to catching diseases as anyone despite her growing knowledge but driving the point home by rendering her useless and unable to do anything in the form of learning as she so often spent her days. Now that Callisto's mind was her own again, she was irritated with it all, set in a sour mood by the sickness, and had not spoken to another healer since while she got herself back on her paws.

She had half a mind to avoid the meeting that was being called together if for no other reason than she really did not want to sit around with everyone knowing she was so behind in her training, but there was little to be done about it. The Lords and Ladies of the pack had just about as much authority as Queen Raisa did with as few high ranking wolves as the pack had, and she feared not showing might be construed as her being still unwell or even unfit now to take up the position that she so longed to keep as one of the Solas.

With reluctance, she traveled from the Steppe where she had her den to the Rock Garden, winding a path through them toward the figure of Katja that she could see seated above the gathering Ebony wolves. Her flat stare of indifference seemed to fit the solemn mood that hung over the group, though one of those present still sported an oblivious smile. Callisto stayed clear of the girl, having already deemed the other girl's brightness to be irritating at the very least, and surveyed instead the others. The Ebon Knight Hajime was present, looking more brooding than she remembered him being, along with one of Raisa's pups and another stranger...who was bleeding.

She may not have wanted to be there, but the sight of someone possibly in need of her healer's assistance made her forget it enough to be curious. Her silvery blue eyes narrowed as she peered at the wolf as he stood before Katja, the young Sigmarr close by, but she did not approach. Instead she took a seat somewhere among but separate from the wolves already gathered and watched Katja with the stranger, ready to step forward if necessary but willing to wait until she was required.