
Feeding my flame


07-25-2014, 07:37 PM

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His smile was small at first, but grew with each word. And she would laugh softly, a brief whimsical sound. A few steps would bring him closer but there was still distance between them, it was enough for her to know that he wanted to stay and wasn't about to run off. She was tempted to rise and move closer but she hesitated, unsure whether or not that was the right thing to do. An awkward silence settled between them, and her gaze would drop shyly, carefully studying her paws. "Soooo...." The soft word fell from scarred lips on a silent question. [i]Now what?[/s] Where did they go from here? She desperately wanted to remain part of his life, but did he want the same? And at the same time, she didn't want to be hurt again. Would he always have feelings for Vi? Did she even have a chance? Did he want to give her a chance? Thousands of questions races through her mind, yet all the while, her face remained fairly neutral except for the small smile that played on her lips.

"Talk" "You" Think