
anybody home?



2 Years
06-21-2014, 11:04 PM
Seriously though, language warning.

Her sister was eerily calm in her response, but the alabaster damsel was only partially paying attention. If she gave her ebony sibling all of her attention there was a chance she'd go ballistic again, and this time she might actually end up lashing out. That would only end in disaster. Her sister mentioned that they shouldn't have had to drop everything and go looking for them, and while that stung a little, there was something in the delicate giantess that didn't even care anymore. She'd found her way back anyway, she hadn't needed their help at all. "You know Canta, when I was lost and hungry, it's amazing that I thought maybe you would want to look for me, isn't it?" She asked, her voice honeyed as she slowly turned an inquisitive gaze upon her sister. A small smirk toyed at her inky lips. "When I was all alone, it was selfish of me to think my family would come and rescue me sometime, wasn't it? You're right, thank you for correcting my childish thoughts." She cooed, her smile broadening as she looked down her snout at her elder sister.

If she'd had a better sense of timing, yeah, that's what was wrong there. Abso-fucking-lutely. The smaller femme continued speaking, her condescension becoming another holier than thou speech. What a load of crap. While she did feel bad that her sister had been pushed aside by their mother, by the sound of things, she could only expect that herself. Mom had lost two of her children and her husband in a short period of time, of course she would mourn for them. Though, after the mourning, it was only fair that Canta have gotten to be with their mom again. Had that not happened? She nodded slowly, biting back her sarcastic quip in favour of simply listening to her sister. It was a pity really, but the onyx coated lass wasn't the only one who had felt some pain after the trio had disappeared- for each their own reasons, no doubt.

The proper thing to do was stay silent, but of course her sister's self-righteous attitude was getting on Lakota's already fired up nerves. "You know, you're not the only one who learned that lesson then. I didn't get adopted by fucking royalty when I got lost, for your information." Her melodies would snap quietly, her gaze hardening upon her sisters features. Then it softened, a distant look claiming them. "I starved for a long time.. why do you think I'm so skinny now? I wandered until my paws bled, and at one point I remember nothing but crying and screaming until my throat was raw. Yes, the world is cruel, but you're not the only one who discovered that." She murmured, watching Canta's features and holding those emerald green optics while she spoke.

Silence engulfed them once more, and that was okay. Sometimes everyone needed a moment or two to stew things over, let their emotions settle. Slowly, her sister was confident enough to speak again. Mom had gotten pregnant again? Fantastic! So she had a new bunch of siblings? Wonderful! Maybe she wouldn't screw it up with this bunch, and it would be even better if she could fix things with her litter mates as well. Her and Canta's relationship might be completely thrown to shit now, it would take time to prod that wound and see how it had healed, but it wasn't too late to try and get closer to her other siblings- right? But of course, the fact that da had left right after mom had gotten pregnant was not good. Mismatched audits would tilt back in disappointment for her father, but there was nothing she could do about it now. "Did he at least have a good reason for leaving? Last time? This time? Did he explain anything?" Quiet inquiries would be posed in a gentle tone, and she would watch her sister's face and wait for an answer. Maybe da had done the right thing.
