
The mother daughter dance


06-21-2014, 11:58 PM

Her daughter dissolved into a fit of sobbing, effectively breaking the alabaster queen's unbeating heart. One paw would wrap about the steel coated girl's petite shoulders, holding her as close as she could manage. Thick, silken derma would welcome the salty liquid as it fell from the youngster's moonstone pools, a dark stain growing upon her bosom. Slowly, the paw wrapped about the child would drift down her spine lightly. She could feel the ghost of her daughter's pelt, it was soft as her own, fine haired. She would grow into a beautiful young woman, without a doubt. She let her babe cry, for sometimes that was what helped the most. She remembered crying often after her family had departed to this very place.

And then the smaller she wolf would speak, her expression growing cold and stony. The pallid woman knew that mask well, she'd worn it for months on end. Was her daughter to become like her? That would be a horror indeed. No one deserved to turn out like her. While the snow coated giantess had loved much in her life, she'd also felt too much pain, kept everything bottled up and hidden. No one should feel that kind of emptiness, feel like they always ripe to burst at the seams with the burden of their secrets and horrors inside of them. Especially not lovely young Zlata, who still had a chance. The mention of her mate and son brought a lightning strike of pain flashing through her breast. They had left the girl on her own? Magnus was still able bodied and capable of taking care of his children, had left them? Righteous fury boiled beneath her cool skin, and she would be sure to give her beloved a piece of her mind if she encountered him in a strange in between place like this. Australis' disappearance would come as a surprise, however. He'd cared for his sister when no one else had, and he had left?

Slowly, she would lower her muzzle to cast a liquid mercury gaze upon her daughter's features. She would smile a small, sad smile. "I'm sorry, my lyubit. It is unfair of them to leave, but they most likely had good reasons. I too, had my reasons for parting with you, whether you choose to believe that or not. But I will keep these reasons to myself, for a later date. You are still too young to quite understand, so there would be no point in telling you yet." Silken tones would coo, and once more her salmon tongue would reach out to caress her child, sliding across the planes of her cheekbone, even now just starting to add angles to the girl's face.

When the babe spoke again, her words made the inky lips of the icy she wolf twist into a smirk of grim amusement. Slowly, she would lower her chin to the top of her daughter's head. "You must find your happiness for yourself, somewhere you think you can start anew." She murmured, wisdom from a soul much older than the body it had last inhabited pouring from lips that had not always spoke with such knowledge. Once she had been young and reckless, but not for long. "I never got a chance to tell you about my past, did I?" She inquired rhetorically, her voice thrumming through her very bones now. "And I have a sneaking suspicion that your father did not either, though he doesn't know all of it." She murmured next, a small, dry chuckle reverberating through her. "Well, let me tell you of my life before I came to Alacritia."

"A long ways from where you were born, in Ludicael, there is a place that was once a lovely, lush forest. It teemed with life, with birdsong and the calls of every creature you can imagine. That is where I was born. My mother's name was Lily Svetlana, and that is where your middle name came from. My father was the King of our pack, his name was Shadow Lunashka."
She told her daughter in a quiet, nostalgic tone, sounding lost and faraway as she began to get wrapped up in her tale. "I was raised as their firstborn to be the princess, and later the queen. So I did not get the chance to live as any child did there, playing and laughing and wrestling. I learned how to hold myself like a princess, how to respond properly to those who spoke to me." She continued, remembering those times quite fondly. Youth was a blessed thing, purity all one possessed. "Then my brother was born, his name was Falcon. I loved him dearly, and taught him all the secrets and hideaways I'd found in my year of life yet." She chuckled, the memories drifting back as sounds of distant laughter and wondrous whispers.

"Eventually, I was trained as an assassin, both to guard our home and give me the skills necessary for battle if it should strike our home. Not soon after, my sister was also born. My mother named her Twilight." She crooned, remembering both the fright of the birth and the amazement as she saw the tiny face of her newest sibling, her only sister. "However, before that chance to let her grow up in our lovely home could arise, a fire broke out. Our home was quickly engulfed in flames, and we were forced to leave and find a new one. We travelled across vast places, deserts and mountain valleys, tundra's and jungles. Along the way, we searched for a new home." Silken vocals would sigh, her voice long past cracking under the emotional stress. It was a long time ago, it was over, there was no changing it. "One place looked very good, it had plenty of prey and a great river, but it was home to a band of nomads who were not keen to have their current home disturbed. We were attacked, and my father was killed... Right in front of me...." She whispered, memories of blood and fear and a single word whispered with a dying breath. Run. She pushed those thoughts away, focusing on the rest of the story.

"So were many others.. However, we kept going, my mother, brother, sister, and a few others who had survived." She continued, remembering the sounds of her family sniffling away their sorrow and holding back a torrent of tears that could have together created a river. But water could not be spared then, the journey was still ahead. "Not long after the raid, my brother was mauled and eaten by a grizzly bear. We had no time to mourn, we had to keep going." She breathed, closing her Iridium optics against the flood of remembered nightmares. "As we crossed through a great desert with a forest of mighty cacti, my sister was stolen by a hawk. We were now just two, my mother and I, wandering in search of a home." She whispered again, her breath even despite the remembrance of such a great loss. "After we crossed the desert, we came to a forest of great redwood trees, like there are up in the northern lands. My mother died there, starved and dehydrated. We were barely a days travel from Alacritia." She breathed, voice finally daring to utter a final crackle as the pain of remembering crashed down over top of her. Despite her mother being here in this place with her, she remembered having only Lily's face in those horrible times. "When I arrived there, I found Ludicael, and the woman who was Queen of the pack, her name was Jupiter. She took me in, allowed me to live there. There, I met Song, and your father. Barely a year later, you and your brother were born." She ended, a small smile playing at her lips. Those joyous times had collectively been enough to hold back the horrors of her times before then, almost completely wiping them from her mind during her time there. Almost. She could still remember the times where she'd woken up choking on tears and screams.

Slowly, she would raise her crown, strong despite all the things she'd faced. Her iron gaze would fall upon the shining features of the babe she'd borne in times of nothing but joy, and smile. "I want you to take this hard time, and learn from it. Go off as well, if it suits you, find somewhere you can gladly start anew. Find friendship in a strange place, fall in love, start a family of your own when the time comes. Raise them right, bring them up and give them the childhood that I was not strong enough to give you." She crooned, her smile assuring and confident. Regret still swelled in her chest, that she hadn't been able to give this lovely young lady a youth that she should rightfully have, that she had been entitled to by birth. She held optics that were a mirror of her own, and tried to use only her gaze to tell her daughter that everything would be okay. She of all people was full well entitled to say that. Everything would always be alright, and if you didn't like where you were in life, go somewhere else and try again until it was right.