
It's Time To Begin


06-25-2014, 10:15 AM

A challenge would ring out across Alacritis, the voice vaguely familiar and the summons calling for the Glaciem primary. A growl would bubble within her chest, ears folding flat as she glanced bitterly toward the direction of the call. How could this happen? How could Glaciem be challenged for right after Athena earned her rank? The youth hadn't even had the chance to settle in yet! A displeased sigh would seep from her slackened jaws, tail flicking irritably behind her dainty hips as she takes off toward the battlefield to behold the challenger. Ramses heard the call too, and was trailing at his mistresses heels, amethyst eyes sweeping their surrounding for any threats. The duo would reach the field shortly, and immediately her eyes would fall upon Vereux, whom seemed to be standing across from the challenger. Was that... Syrinx? Azure eyes would widen in bewilderment, but she would harden her features upon approaching, frigid gaze glancing from her king to the challenger. "It's a pleasure." She says to him, lips smirked ever so slighty as she waits for Athena to arrive. Now would be the time for Athena to prove her worth as queen, but despite her faith in the youth Liberty was not naive- she had heard of Syrinx's war stories and was completely aware of his unwavering power. Could Athena beat him? She could recline onto her haunches, Ramses pressed tightly against her left side as she glanced toward Vereux once more.

"her speech" "his speech"