
In Sickness and Health


06-22-2014, 12:07 PM
The weeks in te rearvview had been particularly miserable. However, there was one thing that Gideon was proud of and one thing that he could say ad actually been done. He had stood beside Chrysanthe an kept her company. Whatever illness she had...well, it did effect him. It made him slightly more tired than usual and he preferred to sleep more, hunting was also more of a task, but for Chrysanthe it seemed to be something much worse. It seemed as though everything was amplified and there were symptons he just didn't need to face. Still, e had pushed trough the bits and pieces he was enduring and he had been there to stand beside her and hold her up when it seemed as though all she could do was fall back down.

In his mind it was a bit of something to say that he wasn't going anywhere ever again. That he was sorry for having left her in the first place, and now he was as solid as ever. A sigh rumbled past his inky lips as they moved forward. Finally, she had been convinved to go back to Valhalla and try to make something of herself. Erani surely knew the cure? Surely she could figure out what the problem was. Chrysanthe's own mother had passed away relatively young. That was, perhaps, what Gideon was most afraid of. The death of the woman coming too fast for him to handle. What would be the point of his life if his ultimate goal (that he constantly failed) no longer had a chance at success? If Chrysanthe was gone...maybe some part of her would be happy wherever she was. Though, a world without his beloved was hardly a world at all.

They would eventually arrive in Valalla and it wouldn't take much longer for Gideon to look around and find exactly what he had been searching for. Valhalla's borders. As Chrysanthe sat down, breathless, he turned his chest towards her and moved against her shoulder so that she could lean against him if she desired to do so. A look of concern was evident on his face, regardless, they both needed Erani's help. she more so than him, though, without her there was no him, "Of course, love," the gentle words were spoken by the Mathias only when need be, and now, he felt an ever present need to be gentle to Chrysanthe and handle the issues at hand as they were--issues. She needed some encouragement anyways. A somber expression and almost a hesitation were present as he turned is head from her ears and summoned Erani. He felt awful, but there was an urgency, he was no longer asking. Chrysanthe wouldbe fixed.