


06-22-2014, 08:06 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Duskleaf
How did you get here?: browsing rpg's
Age: soon-to-be 21

Character's Name: Winter
Age: 2 years
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 36 inches
Appearance Description:
Winter's pelt is of an ivory hue in which that mocks fresh fallen snow - blindingly so in beneath the light of noon. Markings are nonexistent. His pelt is lengthy for a wolf and appears sleek instead of bushy. Winter has a docked tail. The length of his tail being merely four inches; however the fur flows lavishly from his stub making it appear lengthier than it actually is - a total of six inches or even seven during winter months. His eyes outshine emerald forests in it's reach dream-like shade of green. Instead of appearing as if his pupil is solid (but it is), it appears to be of a gradient beginning with ebony and ending in a marvelous emerald color. Winter's voice carries a wondrous accent of the French. Being smooth, persuasive, and romantic. A voice of a delicate timbre in which only angels are heard of possessing. His frame is tall; however, his build is slender. Ribs protrude from his sides in which makes him appear all the more delicate. His stride is graceful and it appears as if he is floating across the terrain. Winter carries his head high when his frame glides across the earth at a walk. Dainty and delicate, this wolf is often mistaken as female at first glance.
Proof of Purchases: n/a